Does your Web-site meet the 6 Point Design Checklist?

6 Point Checklist for Small Businesses

Owners of small businesses everywhere have challenges when it comes to creating a web presence – resources, available time to build, or even review if someone else creates your web pages. But the real question most ask is,

Do I really need  a ‘fancy’ looking website for a business whose data is fairly static and clientele mostly local.

Yes and no.

Your website likely has one basic purpose – inform your audience. Or sell. Transact. Connect. Or maybe a combination of any of these. So yes, if carefully crafted, your site can become your strongest marketing ally in meeting that objective.

But no, your website does not have to be over the top or expensive, nor do you need slick gizmos to tell your story. All it takes is one thing.

Being effective.

In the world of web designs, fancy does not equate frills. It is just a common sense approach to presenting what your users need and answering the questions they are most likely to ask. But before that, here it what you need to assess:

How do you grade on the Website Design Checklist?

First Impressions

Is your website simple, clean looking? Minimal is better than excessive. There are large companies who have plenty of data to share but do so with restraint. Don’t overdo the colors and stay away from clutter.


Can your customer find all the info he needs right on the homepage, or at least through the links. Use the tabs wisely. Rule of thumb – the what, when/how, where and who are the main data points, or in other words, your business, product and pricing info, location, contact details and the main team behind the business.

Visual Appeal

Use pictures when you can. Research says that pictures get 60,000 times the attention that text gets, and this is particularly true in the overloaded digital world. If you are in the food business, or anything involving visual appeal like style or crafts, spring for good pictures with a professional.


If you’re using testimonials, ensure that they’re truthful. When quoting data, mention the source. If you’re promising a 30 minute delivery, or fresh organic ingredients be sure that you can keep the commitment.

Personalize It

It’s not the product you’re selling, it is You. Customers feel more confident knowing that your lifelong love of flowers inspired your florist business. Or your degree from the state’s leading university makes you better qualified to be a tutor. Add a short bio with professional info, experience and maybe a line or two about your interests.


Any number of reasons may bring a visitor to your site, but information – useful and interesting – will draw them back repeatedly. Share a few chef’s tips like picking the freshest produce or something about hiring policies if you sell to other businesses. Sure, this needs you to write articles and post periodically, so do it only if you have the time and feel that this will add to your business significantly.

Now critically assess the websites you visit regularly and evaluate them on the same parameters. See what appeals to you and what annoys. Ditto for your competition. Make sense?

And with that, your business is on its way to a smart, sensible yet good looking online presence.



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